In India, election is held for Lok Sabha and Legislative Assemblies separately based on the tenure of governments. Recently, BJP led NDA govt has put forth an idea to conduct elections for both Lok Sabha and Assembly election simultaneously. Narendra Modi got inspired by Sweden which conducts simultaneous elections in their country.
Why NDA govt puts forth this idea of simultaneous election?
At present, India spends almost 8000 crores for conducting elections. NDA government thinks that simultaneous election will reduce the election cost.
What are all the road blocks against Simultaneous Election?
- It requires constitutional ammendment to alter the constitution for making any changes to election procedure which requires majority at both state and central level(Lok Sabha,Rajya Sabha and Assemblies).
- Many states which are halfway through their tenure would object this proposal as it will require them to resign before the end of their tenure.
- Nine major parties in India are against this proposal.
- In India, with many states having formed coalition govts and prone to dismissal at any time will need to face elections often.
- Current election cost of 8000 crores is not a big amount when compared to a fast developing nation.
- Hence, In India simultaneous election is a mirage.
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